Debenu Quick PDF Library 10.12 Beta 4 has been released and is ready for downloading and testing. The 10.12 Beta 4 installer can be downloaded from the button below.
Release Notes
New functions
- UpdateTrueTypeSubsettedFont
- CheckPassword
- AddImageDirectFromString
- RemoveFormFieldChoiceSub
- SetFormFieldTitle
Bug fixes
- Fixed a continuous loop issue when calling zDecompress in 64bit versions
- Improved the recovery of Group 4 tiff Decoding errors
- Fix some small CJK font rendering issues relating to SingleByte CMaps
- Further improvements to the EMF import clipping issues
- SecurityInfo function now reports empty owner password correctly
- Fix for decoding of inline images using ASCII85Decode and missing BitsPerComponent
- EnhanceThinLines changes for SetGDIPlusOptions
- Fixed initial clipping when an offset is used with rendering to DC
- Added Type4 function clipping
- Fixed a text spacing issue when a negative TextSpacing is defined
- Fixed a rare JPEG decoding issue with DeviceCYMK and a negative Decode filter
- Add a fix to render inline images with an ICCBased Indexed colorspace
- Fixed an recently introduced error in AddImageFrom file with BMP processing
- Fixed an AddImageFromFile error with certain LZW based striped TIFF images
- Added a fix to repair malformed formfields with an invalid Parent key
- Fixed a small rare crash with StretchDIBits with the EMF import function
- Fixed a rare path drawing issue with the EMF import functions
- Added support for RunLengthDecode streams
- Reset LastErrorCode to 0 after being called
- Update Subname list and counts after calling AddFormFieldChoiceSub and AddFormFieldSub
- Fixed DrawRotatedImage with an EMF file to work the same way as DrawImage
- Allow GetTextWidth to work correctly with Fonts added with AddTrueTypeSubsettedFont
- Fixed Firemonkey compilation for Windows
- AES-256 encryption and decryption routines now correctly handle Unicode passwords
- Corrected handling of sequential “scn” operators
- Various EMF import changes to better process some obscure EMF files
- Added support for missing -1 option to NewPageFromCanvasDC function
- Added fix for rendering embedded Chinese DFKaiShu fonts
- Corrections to calculations in Type 0 functions
- Fixed a crash in UpdateAppearanceStreams when using a dashed border style
- Fixed a rare Japanese font rendering issue with a malformed TrueType font
- Fixed handling of images using Indexed Separation color
- Fixed minor Ellipse rendering when import from an EMF file
- Fixed minor clipping issue with IntersectClipRect and IntersectClipRgn calls when importing EMF files
- Fix internal function Painter.RemoveEndText to prevent generation of invalid PDF files
- Code changes to XFA processing code to prevents issues with multithreading
- Code changes to XMP metadata code to prevents issues with multithreading
- Added encoding table for correct rendering of non-embedded ZapfDingbats font
- Indexed DeviceRGB and Indexed DeviceCMYK colorspaces now supported during vector rendering
- Fixed a minor border drawing issue with tables and thin lines
- Various FormField changes relating to Kids and KidTempIndex
- AddStampAnnotation now creates the required appearancestreams to draw the stamps
- Fixed a rare printing issues which was consuming excessive GDI+ resources printing multistrip images
- FindFonts will now only return the descendant font for subsetted truetype fonts
- Fixed a rendering issue with MetaFile FillRgn command
- Eliminated various compilation hints
- DrawQRCode function now supports UTF-8 and other encodings
- Add Options 10, 11, 12 to SetGDIPlusOptions to finer control over GDI+ rendering parameters
- Improvement to Group 4 CCITT decoder error handling
- Improvements to canvas locking during rendering
Upgrading To Version 10
If you are still using version 7, 8 or and would like to upgrade visit this page:
Feedback! Any feedback large or small is appreciated. We’ll shortly be planning the next round of exciting new features for Debenu Quick PDF Library, so we’d really like to know what you want to see added to the SDK. Don’t be shy, email us and have your say.