The final version of Debenu Quick PDF Library 8.16 has been released and is ready for download from our product updates page.
This new version is full of new functions, enhancements and bug fixes and we recommend that all customers upgrade to it to take advantage of the improvements. Visit the product updates page to download this new version and see a full list of the changes.
Download 8.16 from our Product Updates page
Version 8.16 Highlights
- Improved rendering of annotations with transformation matrices
- Enhancements to metafile (EMF/WMF) import
- New support for rendering tiling patterns
- 64-bit version now renders JPEG2000 images
- Better support for Japanese/Chinese font encodings
- Improvements to page extraction
- Various memory, stability and performance improvements
Upgrading To Version 8
If you are still using version 7 and would like to upgrade visit this page:
Feedback! Any feedback large or small is appreciated. We’ll shortly be planning the next round of exciting new features for Quick PDF Library, so we’d really like to know what you want to see added to the SDK. Don’t be shy, email us and have your say.