A recent report by market intelligence company IDC revealed that 60% of responding Australian businesses produced more paper print-outs today than they had five years ago. This figure makes the eager projections of the early noughties look rather optimistic. The problem? According to the report, poor planning and implementation of electronic document management systems underpin this eco-unfriendly trend.
At a basic level, the report notes that the majority of end-users aren’t particularly confident with using document management, and tend to become frustrated when there are no clear short-term improvements.
Of course, document management systems are still sought after to provide systematic document archival and retrieval, simplify the management of high paperwork volumes and to increase efficiency.
And this is the “news'” that underpins our design goals in building Benubird. We’ve aimed to create a system that is simple to use, but can handle the complex task of managing lots of documents – organize, track and, perhaps most importantly, find documents.
So whilst it still may be a few years, if not decades before the literal “paperless office” is with us, in the meantime, with a little effort, and careful planning, and a copy of Benubird, you can — at least — create a “less-paper” office.
It looks like some of these issues you are encountering when your file could be solved by using software to keep track of your files. You can try The Paper Tiger Filing System to help you better keep track of your files. Give it a try! We are a BBB A-Rated business and are always looking for ways to help people file!
Our experience here in the UK is that document management is treated as the poor cousin when it comes to securing it’s share of the budget. Document management always seems to be second to some other priority.
Without putting the basic technologies in place and ensuring they are accesible users will alawys revert to type. Many people particuarly the older generation and to coin a phrase “digital immigrants” want to see printed documents.
The move to a paperless environment does provide so many benefits, improved productivity, lower carbon footprint and reduced costs, but to secure these benefits buisness have to invest in order to change our habits.