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Direct access functionality, Page layout


Draws a page originally captured using the DACapturePage function onto the specified page. The original page must have been captured from the same document (having the same FileHandle).

By default coordinates are in points measured from the bottom left corner of the page. This can be changed using the SetGlobalOrigin and SetGlobalMeasurementUnits functions.



function TDebenuPDFLibrary1811.DADrawCapturedPage(FileHandle, DACaptureID, 
  DestPageRef: Integer; Left, Bottom, Width, Height: Double): Integer;


Function DebenuPDFLibrary1811.PDFLibrary::DADrawCapturedPage(FileHandle As Long,
  DACaptureID As Long, DestPageRef As Long, Left As Double,
  Bottom As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double) As Long


int DPLDADrawCapturedPage(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int DACaptureID,
  int DestPageRef, double Left, double Bottom, double Width, double Height)


FileHandle A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions
DACaptureID A capture ID returned by the DACapturePage function
DestPageRef A page reference returned by the DAFindPage or DANewPage functions
Left The horizontal co-ordinate of the left edge of the destination rectangle
Bottom The vertical co-ordinate of the bottom edge of the destination rectangle
Width The width of the destination rectangle
Height The height of the destination rectangle

Return values

0 The specified FileHandle, PageRef or DACaptureID were not valid
1 The captured page was drawn successfully

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