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Vector graphics, Barcodes


This function draws a Data Matrix symbol onto the page. Data Matrix is a 2D barcode symbology allowing large amounts of data to be stored.



function TDebenuPDFLibrary1811.DrawDataMatrixSymbol(Left, Top, ModuleSize: Double; 
  Text: WideString; Encoding, SymbolSize, Options: Integer): Integer;


Function DebenuPDFLibrary1811.PDFLibrary::DrawDataMatrixSymbol(Left As Double,
  Top As Double, ModuleSize As Double, Text As String, Encoding As Long,
  SymbolSize As Long, Options As Long) As Long


int DPLDrawDataMatrixSymbol(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top,
  double ModuleSize, wchar_t * Text, int Encoding, int SymbolSize,
  int Options)


Left The horizontal co-ordinate of the left edge of the symbol
Top The vertical co-ordinate of the top edge of the symbol
ModuleSize This value is used for the width and height of the dots which make up the symbol
Text The text/data to store in the symbol
Encoding 1 = ASCII encoding. See the Data Matrix specification for details.
2 = Base256 encoding. The Text parameter should contain a hex string.
3 = GS1 encoding. Use U+00E8 for embedded FNC1, optional at start.
SymbolSize 0 = Auto size
1 = 10x10
2 = 12x12
3 = 8x18
4 = 14x14
5 = 8x32
6 = 16x16
7 = 12x26
8 = 18x18
9 = 20x20
10 = 12x36
11 = 22x22
12 = 16x36
13 = 24x24
14 = 26x26
15 = 16x48
16 = 32x32
17 = 36x36
18 = 40x40
19 = 44x44
20 = 48x48
21 = 52x52
22 = 64x64
23 = 72x72
24 = 80x80
25 = 88x88
26 = 96x96
27 = 104x104
28 = 120x120
29 = 132x132
Options 0 = Normal
1 = Rotate 90 degrees counter clockwise
2 = Rotate 180 degrees
3 = Rotate 90 degrees clockwise
Add 100 to for 1 unit quiet zone (white border) - (default)
Add 200 to for 2 units quiet zone
Add 300 to for 3 units quiet zone
Add 400 to for 4 units quiet zone

Return values

0 The Encoding, SymbolSize or Options parameter was invalid
1 The Data Matrix symbol was drawn successfully

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