Version history
This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 9.15.
Similar to the DrawHTMLTextBox function but the position/scaling/rotation is specified using a transformation matrix.
The remaining HTML text is returned, which can be passed to this function again (perhaps on a different page or location) until the function returns an empty string. See Appendix A for details of the supported HTML tags.
function TDebenuPDFLibrary1811.DrawHTMLTextBoxMatrix(Width, Height: Double;
HTMLText: WideString; M11, M12, M21, M22, MDX, MDY: Double): WideString;
Function DebenuPDFLibrary1811.PDFLibrary::DrawHTMLTextBoxMatrix(Width As Double,
Height As Double, HTMLText As String, M11 As Double, M12 As Double,
M21 As Double, M22 As Double, MDX As Double, MDY As Double) As String
wchar_t * DPLDrawHTMLTextBoxMatrix(int InstanceID, double Width, double Height,
wchar_t * HTMLText, double M11, double M12, double M21, double M22,
double MDX, double MDY)
Width | The width of the drawing area |
Height | The height of the drawing area |
HTMLText | The HTML text to draw |
M11 | Matrix component |
M12 | Matrix component |
M21 | Matrix component |
M22 | Matrix component |
MDX | Matrix component |
MDY | Matrix component |
Return values
LeftOverText | A "string" containing the text that did not fit into the TextBox. This value can be resused to draw the undrawn text into a new text box often on the next page. |