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Vector graphics, Barcodes

Version history

This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 9.15.


Draws a PDF417 symbol onto the selected page. Similar to DrawPDF417Symbol but providing extra functionality.



function TDebenuPDFLibrary1811.DrawPDF417SymbolEx(Left, Top: Double; 
  Text: WideString; Options, FixedColumns, FixedRows, ErrorLevel: Integer; 
  ModuleSize, HeightWidthRatio: Double): Integer;


Function DebenuPDFLibrary1811.PDFLibrary::DrawPDF417SymbolEx(Left As Double,
  Top As Double, Text As String, Options As Long, FixedColumns As Long,
  FixedRows As Long, ErrorLevel As Long, ModuleSize As Double,
  HeightWidthRatio As Double) As Long


int DPLDrawPDF417SymbolEx(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, wchar_t * Text,
  int Options, int FixedColumns, int FixedRows, int ErrorLevel,
  double ModuleSize, double HeightWidthRatio)


Left The horizontal coordinate of the left edge of the PDF417 symbol
Top The vertical coordinate of the top edge of the PDF417 symbol
Text The text to store in the symbol
Options 0 = Normal
1 = Rotate 90 degrees counter clockwise
2 = Rotate 180 degrees
3 = Rotate 90 degrees clockwise
FixedColumns 0 = Auto
Non-zero = fixed number of columns
FixedRows 0 = Auto
Non-zero = fixed number of rows
ErrorLevel -1 = Auto
0 to 8 = User error level
ModuleSize The width of the smallest element in units defined by a call to SetMeasurementUnits
HeightWidthRatio The ratio of the needed module height to the module width

Return values

0 One of the parameters was invalid or the text was too big for the symbol site.
1 The PDF417 symbol was drawn successfully

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