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Rendering and printing

Version history

This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 9.16.


Returns a byte array containing a BMP image representing a preview of how printing will look.



This function is not available in the Delphi edition


Function DebenuPDFLibrary1811.PDFLibrary::GetPrintPreviewBitmapToVariant(
  PrinterName As String, PreviewPage As Long, PrintOptions As Long,
  MaxDimension As Long, PreviewOptions As Long) As Variant


This function is not available in the DLL edition


PrinterName The name of the printer to use for printing. This is the name that appears in the Windows Print Manager. Use the GetPrinterNames function to return a list of valid printers on the system. A value returned by the NewCustomPrinter function can also be used here.
PreviewPage The page number to preview
PrintOptions Use the PrintOptions function to obtain a value for this parameter
MaxDimension The maximum width or height of the preview bitmap
PreviewOptions Reserved for future use, should be set to zero.

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