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Rendering and printing

Version history

This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.14.


This function returns a string containing the media type numbers and names for all the media types available for the specified printer. The string returned contains a line of text for each media type, the lines of text are separated with CR/LF characters. Each line contains a numeric media type number, a comma, and the name of the media type, in double quotes.



function TDebenuPDFLibrary1811.GetPrinterMediaTypes(
  PrinterName: WideString): WideString;


Function DebenuPDFLibrary1811.PDFLibrary::GetPrinterMediaTypes(
  PrinterName As String) As String


wchar_t * DPLGetPrinterMediaTypes(int InstanceID, wchar_t * PrinterName)


PrinterName The name of the printer to query. This is the name that appears in the Windows Print Manager. Use the GetPrinterNames function to return a list of valid printers on the system. A value returned by the NewCustomPrinter function can also be used here.

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