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Vector graphics, Image handling

Version history

This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21.


Adds a WMF or EMF image from a TStream to the selected document.

Once an image has been added to the document it can be drawn on any page multiple times without further increasing the size of the PDF file.



function TDebenuPDFLibrary1811.ImportEMFFromStream(InStream: TStream; FontOptions, 
  GeneralOptions: Integer): Integer;


This function is not available in the ActiveX edition


This function is not available in the DLL edition


InStream The TStream object containing the EMF/WMF data
FontOptions If GeneralOptions is 1 this parameter is ignored, otherwise the following values take effect:
0 = Use the first font added to the PDF
1 = Automatically add fonts as non-embedded TrueType fonts
GeneralOptions 0 = Import as a vector image
1 = Import as a bitmap image

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