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This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.16.


Adds columns to the specified table at any position



function TDebenuPDFLibrary1811.InsertTableColumns(TableID, Position, 
  NewColumnCount: Integer): Integer;


Function DebenuPDFLibrary1811.PDFLibrary::InsertTableColumns(TableID As Long,
  Position As Long, NewColumnCount As Long) As Long


int DPLInsertTableColumns(int InstanceID, int TableID, int Position,
  int NewColumnCount)


TableID A TableID returned by the CreateTable function
Position The position to insert the new colulmns. Minimum value is 1. Maximum value is one greater than the value returned by the GetTableColumnCount function.
NewColumnCount The number of columns to add to the table

Return values

0 Columns could not be added. Check the TableID parameter and make sure NewColumnCount is greater than or equal to 1. The Position parameter must also be within range.
Non-zero The total number of columns in the table after adding the new columns.

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