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Rendering and printing


This function renders a page from the selected document to a string. The data in the returned string depends on the Options parameter.

By default rendering uses the GDI+ system which is available by default in Windows XP and later.

Option 10, TIFF (G4) output, is only available on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 and later.

It is also possible to render using AGG, use the SetDPLRFileName and SelectRenderer functions.



function TDebenuPDFLibrary1811.RenderPageToString(DPI: Double; Page, 
  Options: Integer): AnsiString;


This function is not available in the ActiveX edition


char * DPLRenderPageToString(int InstanceID, double DPI, int Page, int Options)


DPI The DPI to use when rendering the page. Values over 300 will cause excessive memory usage.
Page The page number to render
Options 0 = BMP output
1 = JPEG output
2 = WMF output
3 = EMF output
4 = EPS output
5 = PNG output
6 = GIF output
7 = TIFF output
8 = EMF+ output
9 = HTML5 output
10 = TIFF (G4) output

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