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Version history

This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14.


Sets the vertical and horizontal alignment of one or more cells.



function TDebenuPDFLibrary1811.SetTableCellAlignment(TableID, FirstRow, FirstColumn, 
  LastRow, LastColumn, NewCellAlignment: Integer): Integer;


Function DebenuPDFLibrary1811.PDFLibrary::SetTableCellAlignment(TableID As Long,
  FirstRow As Long, FirstColumn As Long, LastRow As Long,
  LastColumn As Long, NewCellAlignment As Long) As Long


int DPLSetTableCellAlignment(int InstanceID, int TableID, int FirstRow,
  int FirstColumn, int LastRow, int LastColumn, int NewCellAlignment)


TableID A TableID returned by the CreateTable function
FirstRow The the number of the first row to set. Top row is row number 1.
FirstColumn The the number of the first column to set. Left most column is column number 1.
LastRow The number of the final row to set
LastColumn The number of the final column to set
NewCellAlignment 0 = top left
1 = top center
2 = top right
3 = middle left
4 = middle center
5 = middle right
6 = bottom left
7 = bottom center
8 = bottom right

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