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Rendering and printing


Changes the properties of a custom printer created with the NewCustomPrinter function.



function TDebenuPDFLibrary1811.SetupCustomPrinter(CustomPrinterName: WideString; 
  Setting, NewValue: Integer): Integer;


Function DebenuPDFLibrary1811.PDFLibrary::SetupCustomPrinter(
  CustomPrinterName As String, Setting As Long, NewValue As Long) As Long


int DPLSetupCustomPrinter(int InstanceID, wchar_t * CustomPrinterName, int Setting,
  int NewValue)


CustomPrinterName A custom printer name, as returned by the NewCustomPrinter function
Setting 1 = Paper size
2 = Paper length
3 = Paper width
4 = Copies
5 = Print quality
6 = Color
7 = Duplex
8 = Collate
9 = Default source (paper trays / bins)
10 = Media type
11 = Orientation
NewValue For paper size:
0 Uses length and height to specify custom size in tenths or millimetres
1 to 68, DMPAPER_XXX (Win32 API DEVMODE data structure)
For paper height and width:
Size of paper in tenths of millimetres
For copies:
Number of copies
For print quality:
1 = high, 2 = medium, 3 = low, 4 = draft
or an exact DPI, for example 600
For color:
1 = monochrome, 2 = color
For duplex:
1 = simplex, 2 = vertical duplex, 3 = horizontal duplex
For collate:
0 = no, 1 = yes
For default source:
1 to 15, DMBIN_XXX (Win32 API DEVMODE data structure)
256 and higher for custom bins / paper trays, see the GetPrinterBins function
For media type:
1 = standard, 2 = transparency, 3 = glossy
256 and higher for device-specific media
For orientation:
1 = portrait, 2 = landscape

Return values

0 The custom printer could not be found, or the Settings or NewValue parameters were invalid
1 The custom printer settings were changed successfully

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